My favorite music moments in film (I know some of these break the rules of the article): 1. "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" from Yellow Submarine. A big switch was thrown in my 10-year old head after seeing and hearing this. 2. "Porpoise Song" from Head. Psychedelic. 3. Just about every scene in Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums, especially "Making Time" by Creation in Rushmore and the Nico songs in Tenenbaums. Guess I'm a sucker for slow-mo. 4. "With a Little Help From My Friends" from Woodstock. For me, Woodstock is a movie as much as it is an event. Like this cover better than the original. 5. "Over the Rainbow" from Wizard of Oz. Make fun if you want, but I'm not ashamed to say I am always mesmerized when I see this. A perfect blend of song, voice and image. 6 (tie). "Star Wars Theme" from Star Wars and "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky. Naturally. Gary B