So. I've been digging into the Harry Nilsson catalog lately and although I've always loved his stuff (the "hits", etc) I have to say the deeper I dig the more obsessed I become. Just incredible work. Aside from the albums, if you can get your hands on a boot, his live '71 BBC special 'The Music of Nilsson' is pretty mind-blowing. Especially powerful considering the guy almost never played live save for a few TV appearances. Anyway, it struck me that I don't see much talk about Harry here which is surprising because the way I see it, if one were to draw a line between, say, The Beatles (big Harry fans btw) and The Beach Boys, musically speaking Nilsson could be the embodiment of that line. Bad analogy but if you know the music I think you know what I mean. Anybody have any thoughts about Harry's music? Curious. FYI, the same folks who did the Showtime Brian Wilson doc last year and 'The US vs. John Lennon' have also made a doc on Harry. It's only had screenings in CA at the moment but I'm personally hoping for a wide release; would bring some much deserved attention to an artist that's been fairly overlooked - -Mark