----- Original Message ----- From: "Seaman, Dave" <<< We're members of a car-share service, Zipcar, that has XM in all its cars. >>> >car share service? What pray tell is that? Pretty much what it sounds like: there are cars all around the city that members can use for short-term rentals, at a cost of $7-$9 an hour, or around $50 or $60 for a full day. That includes insurance, gas, parking, all of that. Could not possibly be more convenient for us: living in the heart of Boston, three blocks from the Green Line, we rarely need a car in the first place, so for those rare cases where we do need our own transportation for a few hours, it's way cheaper to have a Zipcar account than to have a car of our own and have to buy gas, insurance, maintenance, and all that. Who needs the tsuris? Plus, the nearest cars are about a block away -- I can see them from our bedroom window -- so it's unbelievably convenient. Favorite new discovery: SPACE BETWEEN by the Lesser Birds of Paradise. Vintage Olivia Tremor Control/Neutral Milk Hotel-style psych/folk. Recommended for anyone who misses the old Elephant 6 sound, though it has no familial connections to that scene. Also available on eMusic. S