If any Auditeers in the tri-state area (PA, OH, WV) are trying to decide which of the semi-local shows to attend, I'm gonna plug the Pittsburgh show on Monday the 22nd. The Rex Theater is located on Carson Street, on of the most happening in the "burgh. There's bars, restaurants, two new and used CD stores, a guitar store, and an amazing pop culture store. You can even get one of those famous Primanti sandwiches...the ones with the fries and cole slaw ON the sandwich! If you're a guy bringing the better half, there's also a brand new upscale kinda area with chick shops and stuff. It's an early show (7:30) so there's time before and after to see the sights and do the shops. Plus, the Rex is a perfect venue for the show - no poles to block your view! If there's any questions I can answer for you, please email me off-list! Greg Matecko *** THE FOLLOWING IS FOR PITTSBURGH AUTITEERS *** ...c'mon, you guys, cut a brutha a break and come down. You complain that we don't get any cool shows, and I'm doin' my best to bring you one. Not only that, but I'm lookin' out for m'boy Adam - he gets all the proceeds. So call 10 of your closest friends and come down for a night of fun. And for one particular lurker, if you're still here, call your old Crafton buddies...I know they'll dig it! If this goes well, maybe I can bring some of these other bands to come to town...