Quoting floatingunder : > My biggest surprise is that "I wanna be > free" (never a fav) has a bit less gooey singing coming from Davy and > it's got more bite musically (relatively speaking). I got to see the Monkees from the first row on one of their final tours as a threesome...i won a contest on a radio station by singing "Daydream Believer" in Elvis' voice. Back in the day, "I Wanna Be Free" was one of the songs that "made the young girls cry." It was quite a sight to turn around at the Post Gazette Pavillion that night and see those former young girls with their own daughters tearing up as Davy sang the song. About mid-way through the number, A giant moth (or something like one) was flying around the stage. At one point, Davy yells "Pull!" and mimics shooting the insect outta the sky. Heh heh...didn't Billy Joel say "leave a tender moment alone?" Doesn't look like we'll be seeng Mr. Jones and company reuniting, however. Davy's been quoted in a few publications recently saying he "never wants to work with those guys again." Greg NP: A whole buncha SOTT 20's !