Re: The Flame CD that's been mentioned here, this came up on another list ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Randy Date: Oct 2, 2006 5:42 PM Subject: [PSML] The Flame on CD To: Note to everyone.... The Flame CD that is currently out is a Boot! ( at least a grey area release) Its taken from vinyl.. Steve Desper still has the master tapes for the 1st and 2nd records and has been trying to get them released properly.. ( this boot release is a real downer to their efforts) please check out these links before purchasing:,1203.700.html Stephen Desper writes on on: September 22, 2006, 01:06:51 AM » Thanks for your outlooks on my quey. The FLAME album is not public domain -- not in the least. So the Fallout Records offering is a bootleg by any other color. What makes me mad is that BRI doesn't seem to give a damn one way or the other, while still not releasing the second bunch of songs that are all mixed and ready to be compiled into a CD. If they don't care about the loss of money from this latest bootleg release of the first album and don't seem to be interested in making additional money on the release of the second CD, then why are they keeping Carl Wilson's, The Flame, and my own hard work on the second album from the fans who deserve to hear the songs that the group did oh so many years ago. I mean, I would like to see them released in a properly mastered CD before I die. What a sad commentary that one of the Flame members and the producer did not live long enough to see this work released. What the f--k is BRI's game plan? Anyone got any insight into how they operate? Do we all have to be under six feet of dirt before the second Flame album can be issued? The classy thing that should have been done would have been to issue a "tribute" album when Carl passed on, but a little late for that now. Nevertheless, it's the fans of the old Flame group and those BB fans that appreciate Carl's production techniques that deserve to hear what's still not released. It's About Time -- is not just a song title. -- "Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the world. It is a terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it." _______________________________________________ Petsounds mailing list -- The National Pep - Pop Music To Hurt You Forever Coming soon