> This week is the Aidities-List 10th Anniversary. the > offical date is probably the 27th, but close enough. > Wow, 10 years?!?! Holy cow... I can't remember when I first discovered Audities... It was probably around 1999, when I first met Paul Kopf and he was helping with the Poptopia shows in San Francisco. That was when I dove back into music big-time, and I've never looked back. I've discovered some good stuff through this list: Fountains Of Wayne, The Nines, Lollipop Factory (one of my favorite discs EVER), and more. I remember my first Not Lame catalogue, and ordering gobs of discs. (And learning the hard way that seeing "Jellyfish" in a NL review does not mean that the songs sound like "Joining A Fan Club"...) I remember pestering everyone on the list with Baypop schedules and announcements. And as we were all ensconced in our little Internet pop world for 10 years, the world around us changed dramatically too. Amazing how much can happen in a decade. Here's to 10 glorious pop-fueled years! See you all in 2016 for the 20th anniversary! Don NP: "The Friday Show" on Howard 100 on Sirius (Satellite radio... who saw THAT coming 10 years ago?...)