Happy Happy Joy Joy fellow Auditeers! Geez, some of you folks have been on-list 5 TIMES as long as I have. Makes me wonder if I've even once posted an original thought (don't answer that!). Last year (for but one example) I bought 13 of the top 15 on the year-end list (plus others "down the line"), that's how important all of you are to me. And you don't stop .... Thanks to my pop-dawg Cliff Hillis for turning me on to Audities a couple of years ago or so. Tanx CH! Splendid suggestion! jeff teez (Saturday night of the '06 Dewey Beach Music Fest kixx off in only a few hours: Jellybricks, IKE, Cliff Hillis & the Forward Thinkers, Parallax Project, Locksley, The Trolleyvox and much more! Hey! Ho! LET'S GO!! I've got my pogo shoes on!)