I've been here since 97 (I think) or 98. Being on this list has directed me to TONS of great music that I would never have discovered on my own. I am very grateful for this. Naturally, the discussions regarding music and even some off topic discussions have been enlightening or sometimes just plain entertaining. I've often stood back in awe over the passions, insights and humor on this list. Memories of IPO...include IPO 99 in LA. It was such a blast to catch so many great bands (CVS, Shoes, Rubinoos, Walter Clevenger, Grip Weeds, Mockers, The Gladhands, Mannix, Myracle Brah, Shazam, Michael Carpenter, etc...you get the picture) but (as Michael stated) to meet so many on this list was just as fun. Then a few years later Chicago IPO was also terrific for all the same reasons....Thanks David. I wish I had time to blather on more. I've got work nipping at my heals.... Anyway, a big thank you to Michael Coxe for being the list admin all these years. And that man can even dance too! :) SD