A recent post on BoingBoing pointed out this list Apparently, Sound Exchange used to be affiliated with RIAA, but is now independent. They are charged with paying out the royalties for streaming media, but if they can't find an artist after "due diligence," they get to keep the money. This list is apparently a list of the artists that they couldn't find. The list clearly shows that they aren't trying very hard. But knowing that there are a lot of working musicians and people with connections to labels on this list, I thought it was worth sharing. If anyone follows up on this, I (and BoingBoing I'm sure) would love to know about what happens when one of these "missing" artists actually asks for their royalties. The original BoingBoing post is here: http://www.boingboing.net/2006/09/21/exriaa_agency_cant_f.html