Paul Myers here in Northern Cali, Sorry for the shameless pluggy nature of this post, but I was having a discussion with a friend about my new electronica sampling project band, Flam!, and it was suggested to me that just because this new music was funkier and dancier in nature and didn't have my usual two-guitar-bass-drums'n'harmonies approach, that it is somehow no longer "pop". I suggest that it is pop, albeit not "power pop". (who has time for this sort of talk?) Anyway, I urge Audities readers to go to my Myspace page where this month I have four of the Flam! tracks up for your approval. Some are kinda funny, some are vaguely political and all of them were done on GarageBand (I'm a ProTools user but I have to say this Apple product is actually kind of awesome, and so much fun to work in). Anyway, let me know, through my space what you all think. (I'll regret asking that, won't I?) Paul Myers of the Gravelberrys, Dead Lazy, Flam! and Digital College