I took my daughter to a Puffy concert last month and the cd wasn't out yet but they enticed me with an autographed copy before the release date. I've only heard it a few times and it seems a bit harder edged/rock-e than the past stuff. I can't say I like it more but it does have its moments. They have several song writers that are sorta cutting edge?! They did a song called "Tokyo I'm On My Way" and I couldn't believe they were covering a Gruppo Sportivo song (hopefully some of you know the band from Holland). Then they said Dexter Holland of the Offspring wrote the song. I emailed Hans from Gruppo asking him about it and he knew nothing of Puffy or the song. Needless to say his lawyers are looking into this. No hard feelings about those lyrics Dexter but "you gotta keep 'em separated". Scott S > It's been out over a month and not a peep on this list about the latest > Puffy AmiYumi. Shocking! > > > > Anyone have it and would care to share their opinion? > > > > Christopher > > > >