Hey hey! -- a very rare MTV video of The Rubinoos "If I Had You Back" has surfaced on youtube. Before you watch it, should you choose to watch it, I would like to opine the following: - a great pop song, world class guitar solo (as usual) - The absolute geekiness of the video vastly misrepresents their image - Warner Brothers were completely clueless as to what to do with them. - Todd Rundgren productions often sound too Todd-like Also, a great moment in music video history happens when Tommy jumps on the checkout stand, and there is a glimpse of a sign that says "Express Lane - No Guitar Solos" Anyway, here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-O5fPOhUgA On one hand, I think to myself, "The '80's.....what the f**k?". On the other hand, I miss those days when I would just tune in MTV and let it roll for hours. If only there were an MTV channel for the Audities gang...how great would that be? About the closest thing to it (that I'm aware of) is the last 5 minutes of Conan O'Brien. Marty