their live show was initially annoying because (being older) i'd seen everyone they're emulating.... kind of like seeing the original manic street preachers (TERRIBLE live, but that first album was great) in lieu of having been able to see the original Generation X but once i accepted that it was a great live show full of every hair metal cliche (+UK punk cliche) possible and the band be totally into it passionately, you had to give them props - they were non-stop on top of it...into the crowd, spewing up beer, etc...all great stuff... but a great live show with no real strong songs left a bit of a void.... again, i have not heard the album nor have any great desire to do so but don't count these guys out... if they have the stamina to do the road work, they could eventually deliver the goods... or.... you can go see good old Thor, the real deal, still touring and blowing up hot water bottles and a super nice guy as well....great songs, great hair, great muscles (little older now), and an all around great night out... hahahhaaaaaa..... anyway... back to the pop...... IPO will be here in Vancouver next week! Bongo Beat/Bullseye Night is Friday, Sept 1 NEWSFLASH!!! Dave Rave will be joining me at the end of my set DOUBLE NEWSFLASH!! Kevin Kane (Grapes of Wrath) will be accompanying me on guitar we're on at 9pm for 20 mins so be there early if you want to see that - i'll be doing an updated take on the 60s themes of my Olympia 66 CD.... kind of mod poetry guitar pop Olympia 66 can be previewed on any iTunes store we'll be doing the songs prettier and more acoustic