Richard Brown wrote: >"Wonderfalls" is next. Anything else after "Freaks and >Geeks", "Dead Like Me" and "Wonderfalls" that is 'must >see'? > Well, "Undeclared" is almost a sequel to Freaks & Geeks, so... Here are some other recommendations... Unscripted (cancelled) Smallville (age-of-innocence comic book hero vs. cute girls & x-ray vision) The Office (original BBC...more awkward moments than Curb Your Enthusiasm) Oh yeah....Curb Your Enthusiasm Extras (HBO - on DVD soon) And for all your Ricky Gervais fans out there, his podcasts (on iTunes) with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington are hysterical. Well worth the 99 cents (or whatever) you pay for them. Marty