My family and I have rented both seasons of "Dead Like Me" and have really loved fact, we are watching what turned out to be the last episode tonight (sniff). They are now playing it on the Sci-Fi Channel, so the glutton for punishment in me secretly hopes iit will pull a "Family Guy" and go back in production. I haven't seen the main characters (except Mandy Pantikin) in anything else recently. "Wonderfalls" is next. Anything else after "Freaks and Geeks", "Dead Like Me" and "Wonderfalls" that is 'must see'? And of course, the unanswerable question- How does crap 'According to Jim' survive when great stuff like this can't make it to 30 episodes? Anyone been following "Life on Mars" on BBC America? Great fun! On topic...lot's of great early 1970's UK rock on the soundtrack... Rich B __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around