Velvet Rope thread about the Aerovons -- with a post from Tom Hartman, who sez: "Someone pointed this thread out to me and I just wanted to drop in and say hello, and thanks for any kind remarks. When you make an album you wrote when you are 17, you can certainly look back years later and shudder over some of it;) But all in all I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish back then and even more excited that RPM Records, who released the original Aerovons album, has agreed to a follow up album which I've been working on the past year or so. I think fans of melodic pop will enjoy it a lot, it is really sounding super. Right now I've been making sure I enjoy it first, then hope others will as well. That means coming up with things, throwing them out, coming with other things, keeping one or's a long process, just getting yourself happy with what you are doing. Thanks for your interest in The Aerovons. We were certainly not America's Beatles, but I do enjoy working in the sound of the genre. Nobody is ever going to be The Beatles. But as Badfinger, Rasberries, and dozens of others have shown, you can still explore the sound of that approach and come up with some great listening." Thanks Tom Hartman The Aerovons