To quote Del Amitri, I am always the last to know.... It took me until this year to discover Cloud Eleven's 2002 release. Last year, someone made the outstanding recommendation of the Freaks and Geeks TV series on DVD, which was followed by Undeclared. My latest discovery (also recommended on this list ages ago) is a series called Wonderfalls...another series cancelled due to...excellent writing? Highly recommended! Bringing it back on topic? The theme song I believe is written and performed by Andy Partridge. A fine quirky pop tune to match a most excellent quirky TV show. You know, remove the commercials, and some of these TV shows on DVD beat the hell out of much of the so-called blockbuster Hollywood movies these days. Anyway, it may take a while, but eventually I figure it out. So what's with this group called The Beatles? I hear they're good, but have these cray-zee haircuts! Marty