--- Michael Bennett wrote: > I'm wondering if this experience is less meaningful for those who don't live > near a good record store, particularly those not near large urban areas. > Meaning - if you don't have a good record store, you adapt to conditions, > and eventually just don't miss it too much. In my case, not true. I miss it very much so, but I accept it cause I don't have any option. This past weekend I was in NYC and found a cool vinly only store in brooklyn. It feelt good to flip thru stacks of vinyl and just listen to the music being played in the store. Of course with kids in tow, my trip down memory lane was short lived. So my main sources of buying music are box stores, mainly BESTBUY and online. Not my first choice really, but it is better than going without music. michael __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com