Lots of heated responses to my post about a Thin Lizzy DVD..the softies came out with flames telling me how much they actually "rock" (softies can't rock). In fact, a softie actually said that they can "out rock me" on any given day. Is this a challenge? Please tell me you have more important things to worry about than whether you can out rock me! Anyway, will some of you take time from listening to your Train or Matchbox 20 cds and let me know what you think of this Towers of London band? Heard good things about them and wonder what is the word. Mr Holmes? Mr Association Works? (man..i bet these two guys don't have any Train CDs in their collections..!!...by the way..i have enjoyed the Dollhouse cd..I think they are from Sweden or something) any help would be greatly appreciated..the rest of you..go back to your Magnetic Fields snooze fest macho man