AT Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 08:20:09 Michael wrote: > I find it hard to beleive that an Artist of EC's caliber >cannot find a label willing to sign him to a long term >deal. Maybe I am being myopic here, but it just seems odd >that he can't find a home for his music ala The Beatles, >Stones and Dylan. You have to remember that The Beatles and Dylan are tied to their birth labels for the most part -- grandfathering with the companies that made them rich in the first place. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe The Stones lost a good chunk of their catalogue to ABKCO (Allen Klein) not to mention the early Decca material which is not theirs either so their '70s period and beyond moved as the band did (they're with Virgin now). Costello, like Bowie and Zappa before him, was smart enough to acquire his catalogue and go shopping with it. As McCartney did with his solo stuff -- switching first to CBS in 1978 and then realizing what an absolute mistake it was and returning to the EMI Group. It appears that Costello wanted a label that was gonna give him personal attention and not get lost in the monolithic abyss that is the major label system. The fact that he's now moved into that chasm known as Universal indicates that he's either tired of doing the negotiation dance or he's declared his catalogue as nothing more than a financial asset that needs one last massive payday to set him up for his retirement with Mrs. Costello. I know....that's rather cynical....but the re-issue scam he's proliferating indicates that this is about renewing copyrights, cashing paychecks and absolving himself from any future care to what happens to his catalogue from here on in. Alas, the fans become collateral damage in what can only be perceived as strictly a business transaction. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia