I know that this list is not for people that like Rock N Roll. Witness the recent discussion on soft pop and what panties one should wear while listening to it or if one should wear a sun dress while putting the CDr together.. Or witness any discussion of music by Stewart Mason However, I do have a recommendation for those few rock'n'rollers left on the list DVD - Gary Moore & Friends; One Night In Dublin; A Tribute to Phil Lynott Concert that took place on August 19 2005 to celebrate the statue of Lynott on Grafton St being unveiled and what would have been Phil's 56th Bday. The core band was Moore, Downey, and Jonathan Noyce (Jethro Tull) with wonderful and somewhat emotional appearances by Brian Robertson, Scott Gorham, and Eric Bell. Robertson plays with Moore on two songs and Gorham (who should be the poster child for what a rock n roll star should look like) plays three songs with Moore. Eric Bell does his part on Whiskey In the Jar. Needless to say..Lizzy was a great band..and watching these older rockers play with emotion is worthy to be praised. macho boracho