AT Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 13:07:14 Christopher wrote: >I just saw this on Billboard. C'mon...what is this, the 4th time they've >been made available? Even the money grubber Gene Simmons hasn't made his >fans re-buy all the old Kiss records like this (though you've got to >imagine he's jealous as hell of Costello semi-successfully pulling it >off): As much as a Kiss fan as I am, I think Simmons knows that his cow isn't quite as full as Costello's. Let's face it, no one's really crying out for a remastered version of KISS's "Dressed To Kill" featuring bonus tracks and video footage. KISS did a valiant job with the remasters as a whole (no amount of digital enhancement is ever going to make those first four albums SOUND good), and the boxed set filled the KISS Army's rarities jones. Simmons hasn't got much left to scrape off the bottom of the barrel except maybe the completed 'Alive IV' which was scrapped in '96 because of the reunion of the original band. I'm not a Costello fan but I'd be screaming blue murder (or boycotting with my dollars) after this third, or is it fourth(?), re-configuration of his albums. And can Bowie be far behind with his Definite Definitive collection? Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia