Not much chatter(box) about this one which hit the boards Tuesday, but I'm on my third spin and LOVING it. Yes, it's produced with a cleaner sound than the seminal 70s records, and yes, in ways it's more like one of Johansen's solo records. BUT...this might be the most fun I've had listening to a record all year. "Dance Like A Monkey" flat out kicks ass, a melting pot of "Lust For Life", Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" and their own cover of "Stnanded In The Jungle". And rest assured that the spirit of the Dolls is alive and well on "Runnin' Around", "Rainbow Store", "Punishing World", "Fishnets and Cigarettes" and "We're All In Love". I like the bluesy feel of "Gimme Luv & Turn On The Light" and "I Ain't Got Nothn'" is a first rate ballad. "Gimme" (Iggy) and "Dancing on the Lip of a Volcano" (Stipe) will get some attention because of the guest background vocalists. "Take A Good Look At My Good Looks" is a potpourri of all the things the Dolls always tapped (i.e. Spector girl groups) and I wish the album ended there because the not-so-hidden track is a sputtering finish. Johansen's voice is as strong as ever, and his lyrics are solid throughout. Remembering how his physical appearance and style used to be called "Jagger-esque" I couldn't help but think that if the Stones cut these tracks for A BIGGER BANG, it would have gotten ten times the kudos that it did. Instead, Dolls fans will robably divide on this one, some thinking it's too little too late, others (like me) ready to bitchslap so many weiner bands with what rock and roll SHOULD be about. ONE DAY IT WILL PLEASE US TO EVEN REMEMBER THIS. Top ten lock for me. cheers b