Did you mean me AND the post below mine? Maybe a bit of tongue. :D But what I wrote was true. Except for that shocked part. Scott S > Um, not sure if there wasn't a large piece of tongue in that cheek... > > >> >>I must admit I was shocked to see it and purchased a copy a few weeks >>back. >>I still need to look at the darn thing and see what's what in the world of >>the Be-ulls. >> >>Scott S >> >> >> >> >>> Wait...the Beatles in MOJO? And a poll too!? >>> This has gotta be the first time that's ever happened, right? >>> >>>> The new NOJO comes with a CD of the Beatles Revolver covered by some >>>> folks we >>>> dig and others I like having heard them on this ambitious comp. >>>> Plus a great article on Revolver and a nice excursion through the 101 >>>> best Beatles songs. >>>> later,joe >>>> >>> >>> >> >> > > > >