Jamie Vernon asked if people had stopped online buying all of a sudden: Obviously all I can answer for is myself, but I've noticed this myself recently and came to the conclusion that there were two factors. 1. I do have less discretionary income right now. Inflation and minimal salary increases are beginning to hurt. The higher cost of gasoline is an easy scapegoat, but my wife and I have noticed that almost everything that we knew the prices for has gone up noticeable in recent months, and my contacts in retail indicate that it's shipping costs for the most part that are causing the increase (plus trying to meet quarterly stock goals with less purchases being made!) 2. I don't need that much more stuff. When online shopping came about and all of a sudden you had the cornucopia there, it was so much easier to buy what you'd always wanted and couldn't find. Now, I've fulfilled most of my want lists and am pretty much only buying the new stuff. And for new stuff, unless it's exclusive to the online retailer, local merchants have that wonderful advantage of immediate possession.