> Josh Chasin wrote: > >>How would you fill in the blank here? >> >>Baby boomer ('46-'64) musical icons: Beatles; Dylan; Motown >>Gen X ('65-'76) musical icons: U2; Kurt Cobain; Michael Jackson >>Gen Y ('77-'88) musical icons: _______________ >> >>Who goes there? I would probably include Weezer and Green Day into the Gen Y list of bands, although I'm generation X and I enjoy both of them too. My girlfriend on the other hand is in Generation Y, and her favorite bands (which include a lot of mine as well) are Beck, Flaming Lips, Belle and Sebastian, The White Stripes, Postal Service, Air, Sigur Ros, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Bloc Party. Then again, she also loves Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and The Who. Arthur _http://www.myspace.com/arthurbang2_ (http://www.myspace.com/arthurbang2)