--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "AssociationWorks" wrote: > > Ha!! Brother Jed.....that brings back memories! I remember that nutbag and > his posse visited Cal Poly SLO while I was a student there in 1988. I > remember him ranting on the evils of sex, drugs and rock n' roll in the > Student Quad at lunch hour. I think I was stoned and hungover at the > time...and probably listening to Sonic Youth on my headphones... > > Jeff Oh, big time for me too. Ever notice he was somehow always tan? One of his gang was a woman that dressed like she shopped in the "K- Mart 1950's house dresses" section. Do you remember her name? I was in grad school at the Univ of Madison at the time. She loved to talk about all of the students at the "University of Wiscon-SIIIIIN!!! It became so strange that you'd see the same group of people throwing insults at Jeb and company. Yet, Jeb thrived on it. A good time had by all, I guess. Steve D NP "Kids in Philly" by Marah via lala.