For some reason, I have been dragging out my old New York Dolls albums (and CD reissues), and that led me to rent the documentary "New York Doll" on the original bassist Arthur "Killer" Kane. The film profiles his plummet to alcoholism, dispair and poverty following the breakup of the band and how he put his life back together through his conversion to the Mormon Church and his work as a librarian at the Church's Family History Center. The film culiminates with the reunion of the surviving members of the band at the Meltdown Festival hosted by Morrissey in 2004. Sadly, he died 22 days after the reunion concert. And while I know this sounds like a VH-1 Behind The Music special, it is so much better than that. It is truly a wonderful and bittersweet movie. I highly recommend it. Here is link to the movie's web site where you can view the trailer, if you are interested... Mark