Last night I thought to myself that there was someone on TV so I checked the page w/talk show listings and saw Sweet/Hoffs were on Conan. Flipped the channel to see they'd just started. I also thought "that's a lot of guitars". Sounded great as did their earlier appearance that I think was on Leno. That is Menck on drums and the lead guitar was a guy named Richard Lloyd. :D The cd is a lot of fun. I noticed I missed Davies and wasn't too happy. I believe it will be repeated exactly one week later and comes on after Carson Daly. Scott S > Anyone catch Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs on Late Show with Conan > O'Brien last night? Lots of guitars on that stage. Was that Ric Menck > playing drums? I couldn't really tell, big hat in the way (drummer's, not > mine). > > Also, Ray Davies was on the Tonight Show. Cool to see him on TV, doesn't > happen often enough. >