Hi, That was indeed Ric Menck under the big hat. And no wonder there were lots of guitars on stage, considering there were lots of guitarists - besides Matthew and Susanna (who played a Rickenbacker), there was Paul Chastain, also from Velvet Crush, and session man Greg Leisz. Tony Marisco played bass. I caught the band at the Bowery Ballroom on Monday - they played the new album minus two songs, and did a great version of the Beatles "Rain". They also played "Manic Monday" and "Girlfriend" and were joined by the comedian Mike Myers on "B.B.C." See ya, Sherman NP:Rockford, Cheap Trick > Anyone catch Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs on Late Show with Conan O'Brien > last night? Lots of guitars on that stage. Was that Ric Menck playing drums? > I couldn't really tell, big hat in the way (drummer's,not mine).