like all the great Canadian 60s acts, their vinyl representations are a watered down version of the great live act that got them the record deal... for example, the indie Mandala 45s smoke the Atlantic album (better singer involved), etc.. the Paupers were (according to anything you read about them) just totally amazing live (I have never seen them) and blew folks away on their many NYC club residencies. The two lps on Verve Forecast kind of let you down after reading about them. When I worked at Capitol Canada, my office walls were plastered with cool vinyl album covers from the 60s, including The Mandala, and when acts got taken on the office tour, they'd always poke their heads in to see the wall.. anyway, one day there's David Cassidy in my office looking at all the covers and he spots the Mandala cover and flips out, "Man, those guys were great!" he says.... he had seem them in NYC back in the day... and ladies, he was wearing leather pants! Two days later and Donny Osmond was in my office.... too cool! hey, check out my lame myspace page and be my friend....(there are two videos up also)