June/July 2006 Fufkin.com update Hot time summer in the city, but let’s not talk about the back of my neck. We have a new Fufkin.com page up, and it has reviews, as per usual. Mike Bennett has full length reviews of the latest from Cheap Trick, T-Bone Burnett, The Handcuffs (ex-Big Hello), Tom Verlaine and Jon Langford. He also has capsule reviews of discs from Band Of Horses, Gnarls Barkley, Tim Lee (ex-Windbreakers), The Elms, Eleventh Dream Day, Stingray Green (with Dan Sarka of The Vandalias), Mary Kate O’Neill, Magneto, Fellaheen, Def Leppard and a great reissued from the old Boston punk band La Peste. Michael Lynch checks in with a review of The Royal Purple’s Transcendental Medication. Gary Pig Gold has a great list for the summer -- 20 things you should check out by The Beach Boys. Any list that has “It’s OK” on it, is more than OK, it’s well worth your time. Mike Bennett is wondering where the great new bands are. It seems most of his favorite stuff is from veteran acts. Finally, Eric Sorensen is a jangly music fan, and his further adventures continue...further along. Eric tells you about some recent shows he’s seen (such as Stephen Stills and The Gin Blossoms) and lots of new music, like Jeff Larson, Last Man Standing, The Sails, Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs, The Fire Apes and much more. Please come check the new page out. And stay tuned -- we are hoping to make some changes that will allow for more frequent content, to serve and entertain you better. Chicago Pop Show Report on Yahoo Groups: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/chicagopopshowreport/?yguid=162827291 Music reviews: http://www.fufkin.com My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/mrhonorama