Listened to an old Roches album "Speak" in the car the other day.It got to me.So I listened to it again at home.While the whole album is great, two songs pack an emotional punch.Cut 5,"In the World",a lovely folk tune about home and lost dreams. "In the world is a lie flying high I thought you were mine. But you were never mine" It is followed immediately by "I love my Mom".I get chill each time I reach the last vese where everthing hurts and she[Suzzy Roche is singing] needs her mom's love to ease the pain.Cosidering these are 3 sisters singing about their own Mother makes it all the more beautiful. I have seen them many times years ago.But they weren't together for the past 10 years or so.That is why it was so special to see them this past December at the Steppenwolf theater during a very short reunion tour.Since it was Christmas time ,we were treated to some songs from their best selling holiday album.Lots of fuuny stories and songs from their carreer.And those voices.Those harmonies.It was a special night. Revisiting this album has brought back a lot of memories. At the end of that show,Suzzy asked that anyone with brothers and sisters get together with them ,form a group, and tour for a while.Then call her up and tell her how that was going for them.It was a very funny and telling moment.I don't think you will see them all together too much.They kind of burned out.But we have many albums.And memories. "down in the cellar is a memory chest inside of it mom's wedding dress I try it on and I need your love and I love my mom..."[I Love My Mom" by Suzzy Roche] Gene