----- Original Message ----- >> Most people here probably are aware of Lilys and their unique brand of >> power/dream pop > > You may or may not know this already, but the band Lilys aren't really > doing "dream pop" type stuff anymore, and haven't for a long time... > Every album seems to change though, so maybe they're back to doing > it again. Oh, I know. I guess I was generalizing. "In The Presence Of Nothing" and "Eccsame The Photon Band" are fun dreamy listens, but "A Brief History Of Amazing Letdowns" is just about all straight-ahead power pop. And awesome stuff, too. I got into them through the dreamier stuff... "Letdowns" took me forever to track down used, so that was a late entry. The thing is, I really only know the band through those three albums, and the Aspera Ad Astra split CD. How are the other discs? AllMusic doesn't rate them too highly... I have no idea who's playing in the band... I only saw the listing in the paper. Oh, and to return to the suddenly, tammy! mini-thread from a few days ago: the lovely Beth Sorrentino contributes vocals to a couple of songs on "In The Presence Of Nothing", the first Lilys album. Six degrees of separation! Don NP: nine inch nails - "Broken" EP