We had recent threads about the service - if anyone is interested and would like to sign up, I have some invites available so you can get in now and not wait until July 4th. I've been on now for about two months and am very pleased - have picked up some great stuff on the cheap and many of my (and my kids') less desired CDs are in new homes. Two recent articles on Lala (ignore the "goes live Thursday - it's july 4th, I believe). http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060607/wr_nm/media_music_lala_dc_2 http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1973392,00.asp If you want to try it, ask me for an invite. But I have an extremely limited number of invites so please don't ask unless you're going to sign on and try it out. First come, first served. cheers b