I have. Saw them here in New Orleans a few weeks ago. (Actually, it was Toussaint's gig and Costello just "happened" to be sitting in the front row. Surprise, surprise, surprise!) Also heard a few cuts on some radio show a little while back. Fantastic stuff. "River in Reverse" is the title of the disc, and I recommend it. -Farrar Hudkins On 5/31/06, Michael vg wrote: > > Has anyone else heard his new album, comes out > next Tuesday. His collabaration with Allen Toussaint. > It is excellent!! Some great songwriting between the > 2 of them. > Kind of continues where The Delivery Man left off. > > michael vg > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > http://mail.yahoo.com >