Michael replied to my post: --- Jeff wrote: > I'll gladly encode a song of your choosing in as many lossy and > non-lossy formats as you desire, and I'll e-mail them to you and/or post > them to our yahoo home so everyone can hear the difference. >> Jeff if this is an offer to me, thanks but no thanks. I mean no disrespect but I just don't care. I have heard this lossy argument for years. And yet, I find I enjoy music even more now than I did years ago. Because an iPOD and CDs etc, offer me more freedom to enjoy my music where and when I want. (firstly, not singling you out, Michael. Sorry about that. Meant to take the subject in a broader direction and should have worded it differently) "More freedom", I think, is the key to this discussion. I don't disagree, Michael, and I take no umbrage, thanks. But let me say this: Just because you've heard the lossy argument for years doesn't make you "right". I say this only because you've mentioned it a couple of times, that you've been hearing this argument for years. I've heard it and argued it for years also, and I'm no more right than you are, agreed? To each his own, and I vigourously toast your right to your opinion! Plus, I can see where you're comin' from. Also, I understand that you never claimed to be "right". The lossy discussion has been going on for a long time, I think, because there are valid points on both sides. I was moved to respond to all of this because so many millions of people are now walking around listening to these compressed files. That's hard for me to understand or imagine, as you can see. > This is just one of the many reasons why I don't own an iPod. > Call me backwards, late and ugly, I don't care. >> No one said that. It is your choice. I'm sorry, that was my fault. I was being a bit defensive when it wasn't at all called for. Thanks for calling me on that. No one accused me or judged me. Everyone, it seems, has an iPod but me, thus my immature reaction, I'm guessing. >>I think my point was that whenever iPODs or mp3s are discussed on music lists, eventaully someone feels the need to pipe up about lossy formats. I usually hit the delete key, and I probably should have this time. My father was a recording engineer, we had some really nice stereo equipment around the house, but I fondly remember my own first stereo more. It was a box unit and held together with a wish and a prayer, but I have to tell you, my music sounded as sweet as anything else to my ears. I guess what I'm saying is I am happy with how I listen to music. Agree to disagree I guess. I just know that when a thread turns to high end tech talk, I never feel the need to pipe in about how cool it is to have an iPOD to educate people. michael vg I had a Close 'N' Play, red and white, that also displayed images from little cardboard strips of film on a screen to go along with the audio story on the record, so I'm diggin' what you're sayin' . Fidelity was, needless to say, not the priority with this beloved machine. Remember the crappy speakers that american auto makers would put in their cars as stock speakers back in the '70s? I'm sure the speaker in my little close n play was even cheaper than those brittle, paper and glue pieces of crapola, and I listened to it endlessly.