Here's a web site from the lead singer that posts the entire Screams album in MP3 format: The site is run by the lead singer of Screams, David Adams, so it has some type of "official" approval. This was a 1979 release on Infinity Records and features the drumming and songwriting of Brad Elvis (then known as Brad Steakley). Screams came out of Champaign Illinois in the late 1970's, sounding like a cross between Cheap Trick and the pop/metal bands of the day such as Piper and Starz. They received a fair amount of label support, and latched onto several arena tours opening for the headliners of the day. As typical though, the album tanked and the band was quickly dropped and disbanded. Best tunes to check out would be "Imagine Me" (not an Elvis tune though...), Pop Art, Paper Dolls, and Pen Pal (later resurrected by Big Hello). All the tunes feature the glorious noise of the 3 handed drummer Brad Elvis. With the recent talk of the Handcuff's IPO performance, thought some of you might enjoy this. _________________________________________________________________ Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfeeŽ Security.