----- Original Message ----- From: "floatingunder" > Ditto to the Little Hits site. Many great hard to find gems. I > could > name many but how about Karen Lawrence's "Girls Night Out". If your > a > Nick Gilder fan you should check this out. The song oddly reminds > me > of him. Thanks! Now that you mention it, I can see that. Although Karen sounds more butch. I'll never forget the time my wife stumbled on the video for "Hot Child in the City." She looked, looked again, goggled and yelled "This song is sung by a GUY????" (On the other hand, I still claim the house record: I didn't realize that a guy sings the Spiral Starecase's 1969 hit "More Today Than Yesterday" until something like 2003.) > > I need to go back and find the bio on her on the Little Hits site. > I don't think I wrote much. I know next to nothing about Karen Lawrence. In fact, I knew none of what Aaron just mentioned about her, but I can add that she has a later-vintage album called something like RIP AND TEAR that I have somewhere in the vinyl stacks. I did mention that the hookline on the chorus is sung by Arlene Smith of the Chantels, though. S