Boy, you know, I don't think it's the intended purpose, but all this talk about the new Elms sounding like OK Go's "Oh No" or Tsar's "Band Girls Money" is making me want to check it out! That, and the whole move towards more secular lyricisms... FWIW, I feel the second Tsar album is one of the most unfairly-villified-by-Audities albums of 2005. It's cool that it's not a lot of people's cup of tea, and it's definitely a lot trashier and rougher than the first, but it's most DEFINITELY still a power-pop album, just one that owes a huge debt to The Stooges or '70s arena rock (I hear a lot of T Rex). If you really liked the first album (and many people did), then "Band Girls Money" is definitely still worth a try. It's also on eMusic if you don't want to take a big risk on it. Also, speaking of eMusic, which auditeers are on there? I am always digging for more new stuff to check out and would love to friend some more people to see what you've found. My handle is danabnrml9 (that's an "L," not a 1) in case you want to friend me back. --J