I've had a few friends who got iPods and gave up on them pretty fast. I think you have to enjoy data management and fussing with tiny devices. I don't much care for iTunes. I only use it as a cd player on my studio computer. It's handy for converting mp3s to AIFF so I can burn proper cds. I have a hard enough time keeping track of those burns, so the idea of mp3 cds with loads of songs just seems impossible. As for play lists... I dunno. I don't really want to hear the same music over and over, even on shuffle play. Might be different if I had to commute or worked in an office or something. for now the only play list is the stack of cds and vinyl next to the hifi. The only data management is moving the stack of stuff back down stairs and refiling it. The down side is I get stuck in the library looking at records... I kills me when we are out for a hike and some idiot walks by with an iPod strapped to his melon. Why would you want to be listening to some noise when you are in the great out doors? Those sounds are what I want to hear when I'm away from the office... just call me old fashion. Michael vg wrote: > --- Jaimie Vernon wrote: > > Then this is yet another issue to deal with that I don't want to spend my > > time worrying about. > > In the time it has taken to read all these messages you could have > learned how to use the iPOD, winamp, iTUNEs and loaded all your music. > > just kidding, > michael > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > http://mail.yahoo.com -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The new Donovan's Brain Site www.Donovans-Brain.net