AT Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 09:32:15 Greg wrote: >Right - the MP3 (or AAC) files are the same ones; the problem is that >the ipod itself renames them and puts them in its own directory >structure. itunes on the computer doesn't do that; my collection was >ripped using Exact Audio Copy, then imported into itunes, which >preserved (mostly) the ID3 tags, file naming and directory structure. >Then, when you load the ipod from itunes, it renames and structures >stuff to its own liking. If you use the ipod as a peripheral rather >than the core of your collection, then this works. Then this is yet another issue to deal with that I don't want to spend my time worrying about. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Infecting Our Customers' Computers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia