I have an electric guitar that I bought about 25+ years ago for $50 from some guy I knew in high school. It kind of looks like an old Mosrite. I always liked the look of it, but wanted to juice it up to get a hotter sound and do some other enhancements. I never figured it was worth anything, and was about to do a Frankenstein number on it, when a guitarist friend of mine suggested I look it up on the internet to see if it is worth anything. Turns out it's a Univox Hi Flier, a guitar which gained some notoriety as an instrument that Kurt Cobain used in his early days. I took it into a few guitar stores that buy and sell, and got offers of $3-400 for it. Pretty cool for a guitar that I thought was junk. (Actually, junk is too harsh a word - it has it's good points, for instance a very easy action, and it's super light weight. Plus I love the reverse cutaway, which looks good on me since I play a right handed guitar in the left handed orientation, i.e. I don't re-string it for lefties...) So I decided to keep it and not mess with it. << Subject: Re: need help identifying guitar ...It's also been determined that it's a classical acoustic guitar.... it's been fascinating on the search on gathering more info. It's probably not worth anything, but the story is fun!>>>