----- Original Message ----- From: "Paulo Nóvoa" > Maybe it slipped my attention... but I would expect this to have > been mentioned on the list... if it has I apologize, but if not... > another comeback from guru Dan "knows where Syd Barret Lives" > Treacy... .. this one will surely end up on my top list for 2006... > I confess it's not fair... I'm totally biased... as I'm still > waiting for my copy of "Dark Places"... so far, only heard the "hit" > single "All The Young Children On Crack"... simple and great... > again! I say this as a massive TVPs fan, but I listened to the new album a few times over the weekend and I think it's not only utter crap, but insincere utter crap. The interviews I've read with Treacy recently are all entirely lucid and straightforward, but the songs here are incomplete fragments that sound like they're deliberately mimicking Syd Barrett's solo records: in other words, it sounds like he's playing up his "mentally unstable junkie" persona, making himself a freakshow to appeal to that segment of his cult. On the other hand, I'm loving this new rumor that Dan Treacy wrote the lyrics for the Arctic Monkeys album. Not that I believe it, but I wouldn't be surprised. S