Had the pleasure of seeing fellow Auditeer (and Permanent Press label honcho, musician and publicist/promo guy) Ray Paul last night; his trio 28 IF was snapping out one glorious British Invasion song after another. Beatles, Who, Kinks, Searchers, Paul Revere & Raiders (well...they did tell you the British were coming), Stones, Animals...holy crap it was one favorite song after another. Ray and I can't get over the fact that I saw him twice a year when he lived in Los Angeles; now that he's about 20 minutes away I see him less! He's pretty busy with his business and is out of town a lot (as am I) but it was great to see that he's in fine voice and obviously having a blast playing music he loves. I didn't get a chance to ask him a zillion questions about his solo career, ask how some PP artists like Walter Clevenger are doing (but a shout out to WC right here and now!) or even get a Carpet Frogs anecdote to pass along. Hopefully we'll combat that "20 minutes away" thing and do that soon. My "good times when encountering an Auditeer in person" ratio remains at 100%. cheers b