Bronco Bullfrog had 3 records on Mushroom Pillow before they got signed to the spanish label "Rock Indiana". Broncos leader, Andy Morten, used to be co-editor of, so you may be able to find something there. I think he also had 5 singles released in spain as some side-projects, but I'm not sure. Doing a quick search turned up this: Anyway, Rock Indiana's website is: Some cool mp3s for download there. Cheers, Gary -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael vg Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:30 AM To: Subject: Bronco Bullfrog Looking for info on Bronco Bullfrog. Google turns up a record label called that. Mushroom Pillow records doesn't havethem listed on the site, that I could tell from my very limited spanish. Do they have a website? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, michael vg __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around