You're welcome. I'm up to 148 trades with only the one flawed transaction. Filling a lot of long-time gaps in the collection and picking up some classical I haven't listened to in ages. Of course, the whole thing is Internet SOP bs, etc. And the ethics of it seem to have something to do with mercury in infant vaccines. NP: Girlfriend by Matthew Sweet (which arrived yesterday from lala). At 08:42 AM 4/20/2006, floatingunder wrote: > I've taken the plunge and I'm happy I have. I've quickly dumped 4 >discs that I never listen to (and which have little resale value) for 4 >discs I "need" and a small fee. One person's junk is another's treasure >(and vice versa). What's not to love? > Mainly just saying thanks to whomever posted on this originally >(sorry, I'm blanking on who sent out the original invite) and Stewart >for all the great info on this site and how it works. > >Steve D