Hey all... I posted this to my mailing list, and thought some of you may be interested. If not, hit delete now.. BIG RADIO RECORDS... ... is my small label. Initially it was set up to release my SOOP covers projects, but over the last few years we've branched out a little. We did the Australian release of my talented friend Rob Smith's most recent album, and in the middle of last year we did my side project The Supahip's album. The next few months will see more activity. Read on.. BIG RADIO RECORDS are proud to announce the new album by the excellent Brisbane singer songwriter ADAM POWER, "What Were Sunday's For?" which i produced and played on. The follow up to the much lauded debut 'More Juice', this new album sees Adam build on the classic songwriting of the debut, developing a more distinct, mature sound, with a more potent lyric content making this album a substantial and significant release in his growth as an artist. Fans of ELO, Neil Finn, You Am I and Pugwash will find plenty to enjoy on this album. For more info go to Adam's site at www.adampower.com.au or to his My Space site at www.myspace.com/adampower where Adam has 4 songs for you to sample. The album is available now from the Big Radio store at www.bigradio.com.au, or for North American fans, the album is available through our good friends at Not Lame Records (www.notlame.com of course!) In upcoming news, the new album by legendary Tasmanian band THE INNOCENTS, will be available shortly. Titled 'Pop Factory' the album lives up to a generation of promise, and should be available at the end of May. Keep an eye on The Innocents website at www.theinnocents.com.au for more info. SOOP #2! The newest addition to my SOOP covers album series is finished and will be released in June. SOOP#2 (Songs Of Other People) will feature songs written by my pop contemporaries, with tracks written by Chris Von Sneidern, The Shazam, Blue Cartoon, The Andersons, Myracle Brah and Cloud Eleven just to name a few, this album will be a treat for pop fans and fans of excellent songwriting everywhere. Look out for bonus pre-orders on the Big Radio site and at Not Lame in the next few weeks. www.mcarp.com will be updated to reflect the new album and will have the running order and song samples up.. hopefully by the end of this month. Plus there's always the ubiquotus www.myspace.com/michaelcarpenter that will have a few songs in full. While you're at My Space, why don't you become a friend and say hi? Lastly.. The Supahip album continues to reach people out there, making several tops of 2005 lists. The 'Satelitte' video is getting played here in Oz, and we did one show in September last year before my partner in Supahip-ness Mark Moldre took ill. He's on the recovery, and there's talk of more local shows and more recordings in the next few months. For those who still don't have the Supahip album, you can get it from the Big Radio site. or again, Not Lame. That's all for now. Whatever you're doing, i hope you're enjoying it! More news in a few weeks. MC www.mcarp.com www.myspace.com/thesupahip www.lovehzstudios.com