<< Thanks for all the monkees help. I added HQ and P,A,C&J to my Lala want list. >> Splendid choices, Josh. You got the simian "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver" there, yessir! and Speaking of Fab/Prefab Fours, I honestly do still find the Monkees' living-color "Head" soundtrack on the ol' Pig Player FAR more often than "Sgt. Pepper," "More Of The Monkees" makes a fun compare/contrast piece to the equally pop-rockin' sophomore "With The Beatles," "The Birds, The Bees and The Monkees" surely was/is the 1968 equivalent to The White Album (sessions conducted seperately between, but only sometimes amongst, the various band's members ....though I'd just have to give the edge to "Revolution 9" over "Writing Wrongs") and Who amongst us wouldn't easily place that initial '66 "Monkees" album right up there with not only the "Please Please Me" LP but other great hip-Sixties 33 1/3 vinyl debuts from the Beach Boys, Hollies, Kinks-Who-Stones even?? Over to you now, CCDatsMe, Gary "and on the subject of televised rock, I believe I still have my original vinyl Jetsons elpee stashed back in my Home and Native Land somewhere ...one side of which contains the entire 'A Date with Jet Screamer' episode" Pig PS: and When is somebody/anybody out there gonna do a REAL book/research project on Michael Nesmith? The man's long and winding list of incredible contributions to our music (den-mothering the circa-'65 open mic scene at the Troubadour from which sprang various Stone Pony/Stone Canyon/then Poco-Eagle-etc. notables, his many MANY pioneering early alt-c&w sides, his equally ahead-of-its-time video and then web work ...not to mention "The Wichita Train Whistle Sings" even?!!) Grammys and/or R&RHoF awards just can't begin to do all of this justice: Erect a towering Papa Nez statue somewhere, dern it!!! ________________________________________________________________________ Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading spam and email virus protection.